Monday, April 21, 2008


Download Gibson screensavers now

Two Gibson screensavers are ready to download to your PC and monitor. Each asks an age old question--Are You Man Enough? or How Do You Define Rich & Famous? They are both small files. "Man Enough" is 948kb and "Rich and Famous" is 993kb.

The award-winning graphics are being used for Gibson print advertising worldwide. Go here to see more of our ads and the graphics for the two screensavers ("Man Enough" is far right on the top row and "Rich and Famous" is far left on the bottom row). Our Internet Group developers have added dynamic motion to the graphics for your pleasure.

Ready to download? Go to "Downloads" here. To begin, click on one of the two screensaver links and the download will begin. Next, click Save and then choose the folder to which you want to download the file to your computer. Once downloaded and saved, go to that folder and double click on the file to open it. Once open, click to install. After it's installed, your "Display Properties" window will open . There you can preview the screensaver and set the number of minutes your computer will wait until the screensaver is activated while your computer idles.

That's it. Now you can have one of those questions in your face every day.

While on our "Downloads" page, check out our other offerings from wiring diagrams to catalogs and manuals, serial number information to mp3 guitar sound files as well as the brochure "How to Buy and Electric Guitar" and more.


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